When Was The Last Time You Tested Your Water?
Soft water offers homeowners many benefits.
Water Softener Repair
John’s Service and Sales is well-trusted as a professional water softener repair service provider. In case you are experiencing any trouble with your existing water softener, our skilled and qualified technicians are well-equipped and fully capable of providing water softener repair whenever you need it. Most of the water softening systems do not need high maintenance and mostly demand only regular salt replenishment but there is a possibility that other malfunction may occur. If you observe any issue regarding the condition of your water softening system, you must consult John’s Service and Sales instantly in order to make sure that you continue to enjoy the benefits of soft water and protect your family members, apparels, home appliances and plumbing systems from the adverse impact of harsh minerals.
Feel, taste, and see the difference.
Soft water makes all the difference.
Water Softener Installation
A water softener installation helps you to minimize the troubles that can be caused by the use of hard water. For our top of the line installation services, we use “Water Boss” brand to offer a complete line of water softeners and filters in order to address all your needs related the hard water treatment at your home. We take the water samples to assess the requirement of our customers and recommend the most suitable water softening system. Our objective is to provide our customers with the most innovative water softener installation for treatment and conditioning of hard water. We believe in offering our customers healthy, clean and high-quality water to use at home with the help of our superior water softener installation.